Saturday, February 18, 2012

How to Swear in russian?

My itouch translator says (写懈泻) when i type in d**k. I know it's pronounced deek. But this guy on youtube said you pronounce it like hui?

Also i type in (械斜邪褌褜) which means to f**k but some sights say its pronounced yob?

Why is this?How to Swear in russian?
As the wise man has said here - don't swear in the language you don't know. You have no idea what exactly you are saying and you can't measure the strength of your words. Once you step into these murky waters the native speakers will shower you with the texts you won't be capable to react the proper way on or even understand.

As for the first word mentioned - are you ready to decline it on cases? There are 6 cases in Russian, singular and plural numbers. Nearly each proposition demands it's case - there are 12 possible ways to sway you d**k grammatically before you move any further.

As for the second - it's a verb. Are you ready to conjugate it, make participles, gerund? The participles are in 3 genders, 2 numbers, 6 cases for each number - all together another 36 forms to operate. And it's a transitive verb, so who-ever you decide to *** - you have to decline him/her/it in the accusative case first. There are 3 major types of declinations and pronouns have their own system. And by the way, you in singular and you in plural are 2 different words, each with it's own 6 cases to know.

If some one gives you a ready phrase you won't concur the word with it. Don't even try to.
Joe most of the posters are correcy. If you're not a native don't go there ! A man once asked me what gives me headaches and my answer was " The Russian verb" to go"" In Russian, words change and sometimes dissappear, so your best bet is do what your mum told you "Don't swear"How to Swear in russian?
you're gonna get jumped. words are powerful. yes, russian is a colorful language but doesn't mean you can throw around words like that. plus, some russian words are so bad there is no english equivalent. now what does a fine, upstanding person such as yourself need to know these words for?
Don't ever swear in a language you don't speak. Swearing is a very subtle subject, you might easily say something absolutely different from what you were trying to say.How to Swear in russian?
ur itouch translator sux

d*ck pronouced as Hui, the guy on utube was right

to ***** is (actually there is more than one word) u can say ebat' or trahatsya
Just give them the naprinka everyone in the world knows what it means.
Tah Voy yu Mot

I think this is more universal.

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