Saturday, February 18, 2012

Russian grammar and sentance structure?

I'm teaching myself how to speak, read, and write in Russian. I know the alphabet, and a few words (animals, objects, foods, etc) and I know some sentence starters like "Where is...?" and "Where are...?" and "My name is...". My question is if I know how to say "Where is...?" (袚写械 薪邪褏贸写懈褌褋褟...?) and "my" (屑芯械泄) and "cat" (泻芯褕泻邪);

in a proper sentence would I say "袚写械 薪邪褏贸写懈褌褋褟 屑芯械泄 泻芯褕泻邪?".

Please do not use an online translator, answer only if you fluently know Russian.Russian grammar and sentance structure?
i can't write in russian on my keyboard but you don't even need nahoditsa. You can just say "gde moya koshka" it's moya because koshka is female.
russian is a n intelectual language like birds, it is not a lokk at that and make that sound basik honeyRussian grammar and sentance structure?
袚写械 屑芯褟 泻芯褕泻邪?

袚写械 屑芯泄 泻芯褌? (if you are asking about a male cat)

You can sometimes drop main verb from simple sentences where surrounding grammar is enough to deduce it's meaning, and this is one of such cases.

"袚写械 薪邪褏芯写懈褌褋褟 ..." also sounds more like "where do I find ...", kinda the way ou would ask about a famous building.

"屑芯褟" is feminine form of "屑芯泄", "泻芯褌" is tomcat.

Russia is way harder than Spanish or French ... hope you have good memory and lots of patience.
I'm russian, but because of my english dad, I enver learned. :[ Just letting you know i'm in the same situation.Russian grammar and sentance structure?
No. This means "Where is my cat located." You don't need to say 薪邪褏贸写懈褌褋褟. Just "gde moya koshka" is correct.

And it is "moya" rather than "moey." "Moey" is the genitive/ dative /prepositional/ instrumental form. For example, you would use it in the phrase "s moey koshkoy," meaning "with my cat."
I find it interesting that you are learning to speak, write and read in Russian. I am so sorry I do not know Any Russian at all, However, I do Know a Russian Proverb that might be Interesting to you. It spoke to my Heart many times..........

"If everyone gives a thread, the Poor Man will have a Shirt." (smile) Hope you Liked It.
The first part is correct.

If you cat is a male, then you say "泻芯褌"

If your cat is female, you got it right.

Now, the middle part is incorrect.

If your cat is male you would say " 屑芯泄"

If your cat is female, you would say "屑芯褟"

So, the right way, if your cat is male, would be: "谐写械 薪邪褏芯写懈褌褋褟 屑芯泄 泻芯褌?"

If the cat is female, the right way would be: "谐写械 薪邪褏芯写懈褌褋褟 屑芯褟 泻芯褕泻邪?"

Hope i helped!
yeah you've got it right. the sentence structure is very loose, but similar to english in it's order. there are no articles such as "the" or "an" but the "my" adj. is fine to be used in the sentence in the form you tried.

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