Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Russian phraseological expressions / idiomatic expressions?

I am working on my University thesis in Russian studies devoted to Russian phraseology expressions, i.e. set phrases in Russian as well as Russian proverbs and sayings, which are understood figuratively. I was surprised to learn the expression: ОТКРЫТЬ (ОТКРЫВАТЬ) АМЕРИКУ meaning "to present as new what is known to everyone" or in English expressed by "to reinvent the wheel".

Are there other interesting Russian phraseological expressions you can share? Please type them in Russian along with their translation into English in case you know it. Whether it is literal translation or an equivalent, it'll be of a great help.

What resources would you recommend for me to use?

Will hiring a professional bilingual Russian%26lt;%26gt;English translator help me at all?

Any ideas are highly appreciated. Thank you all for your help.Russian phraseological expressions / idiomatic expressions?
Russian language is rich with phraseological expressions. Here are some of them:

НИ В ЗУБ НОГОЙ - informal expression meaning "to have absolutely no knowledge of something" with its English equivalents: "not to know A from B" or "not to know a hawk from a handsaw."

ДО ЛАМПОЧКИ - not to care at all (about something), be absolutely disinterested with its English equivalents: "to care less" or "to cut no ice".

ГОЛОВА КУГОМ ИДЁТ - be worrying very much (because of many difficulties, too much work, etc.), literally "Somebody's head is going round and round", its English equivalent "to take one's breath away", "to turn somebody upside down".

I recommend to contact Prime Language Services: They have highly trained bilingual English%26lt;%26gt;Russian linguists, who will be able to provide you with assistance and guidance in your research as well as their expertise in both English and Russian Languages. Your request is not only about translation, but about deep knowledge of both cultures, Russian and English languages and their phraseology.Russian phraseological expressions / idiomatic expressions?
дело мастера боится

маленький да удаленький

смеётся тот,кто смеётся последний

а Bаська слушает да ест

добро побеждает зло

попозже я вспомню ещё ...и напишуRussian phraseological expressions / idiomatic expressions?…


The fullest list I have ever seen. It's all in Russian, but since you study the language, you should have no problems translating it.

Use Google if you don't like that list: "фразеологизмы" and "идиомы" are the words you need.

If there's something you don't understand, email me, I'll try to explain.
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