Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Can Someone Russian Translate This Please?

Закон потерянной хреновины:

Обыскав весь дом, но не обнаружив потерянной очень важной хреновины, вы, грязно выругавшись, идете за новой хреновиной, чтобы во избежание ее

повторной потери положить ее в такое место, где оказывается, уже лежит такая же хреновина.

I'm not looking for an online tool translator, I'm looking for someone who knows the language and can translate to English.

What does it mean ?

Thanks!Can Someone Russian Translate This Please?

Хреновина can be roughly translated as "that thing", "darn thing", "f***ing thing" etc. Some annoying thing that is. So:

The Lost Darn Thing Law.

After you've searched through the entire house and haven't found the lost and very important Darn Thing you would swear profusely and go get a new Darn Thing so, in order to not lose it again, put it in the place where, as it would appear, lies the first Darn Thing.Can Someone Russian Translate This Please?
This does not make any sense in Russian.Can Someone Russian Translate This Please?
I second the first answer. It's not proper at all.

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